LIFE - Database

LIFE is a swasth alliance bringing together intitiatives in data, technology and reach to build and provide an open source solution to solve the information crisis in India.

LIFE majorly aims to provide information on where to go, who to call and what to do in any stage of the covid crisis situation you are in. Instead of building a 1-on-1 system of taking requests, we want to be able to build a reliable source of information you could trust. It is this sense of trust that we work with while dealing with our partners, alliances and volunteers. Come join this network of trust that we are building.

We believe in open-source and collaborative volunteer-driven efforts. Our community is open to any and everyone who wishes to contribute. LIFE was a merger of Coronasafe, CovidFYI into the Swasth alliance to use synergies and focus on smaller taskforces for each workstream.

Aggregation across initiatives is happening through the CIRA - Covid India Relief Alliance founded by startup founders looking to combine strong forces to join hands. We are working as one team with several overlaps in projects, connecting people and organisations. Major reputed MNCs, Consulting, Startups, Covid relief organisations are directly a part of the network. We have been working on this since Mar-20, thus we are well connected to the entire ecosystem.

Are you official?


What are your sources? How is the data gathered for this project?

We are collaborating actively with multiple database initiatives to obtain the best quality data. We also obtain significant data from crowdsourced channels like - forms submitted by viewers, twitter data, database submitted by independent organisations etc. Partner initiatives engaged in similar list creation have merged efforts with us to share their verified information.

The data is validated by a group of volunteers and published into an API. API is available for all. We work in the spirit of Open-Source.

Where can I find the data for this?

All the data is available through an API. Do file an issue at Github if you have feedbacks / want to report a bug.

Who are you?

We are a group of dedicated volunteers who collaborate across initiatives to aggregate data with equal partnership. We empower the regional and niche initiatives who are doing a great job at creating, maintaining, verifying data. This is a cross initiative team that came together with one goal to create a unified database of highest quality to provide help to the BEST of our capabilities in such hard-times. If we are able to reduce the time taken to find a bed, oxygen, or any other support, if we are able to save lives and empower those who are on-ground trying to arrange resources to help others, our motive would be served.

What we do not do?

  1. Plasma donor list: We never collect or expose any personally identifiable data regarding the patients.

  2. Requests management: We do not do 1-on-1 handling of cases.

  3. Profit or revenue generation: We are an open-source volunteer-driven initiative. We operate entirely out of credits bestowed by generous organisations. No money is taken by us or our representative.

  4. Endorsements: We like to stay independent. Thus we avoid endorsing a particular product, initiative. Only to be fair to the 10s of initiative who are a part of our alliance network. We love all our partners.

How often do you verify your information?

We verify information periodically, however, due to the size of data, please accept our apologies in case you do not find what you were looking for. We will continue to add, verify, clean the data. Since we are only as good as the data hope we are able to save lives. Look forward to your support. Thanks to everyone, wouldn't have been possible without you all.

Why are you guys putting in time and resources to do this while not gaining a single penny from it?

We believe in the true spirit of collaboration, crowdsourcing, the democratization of data, and volunteering. Please support us to save lives! Join us.

Join us

All of our work happens on our Slack. Join the respective slack channels to get going.

Slack channel


General, Tech






Twitter search


Positive contribution

Fun - we have fun too!

Join our open source community of developers, content, generalists, marketing, data science etc. folks. Everything is transparent. Work is organically picked up by enthusiastic volunteers who pick up pending tasks on Github, or workast (Slack). DM us anytime.

Last updated

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